EARTHQUEST (Canada) for the Environment

Field Biology and courses, Learn how to identify Ontario's vascular plants, field botany, Ontario Species at Risk field identification, Field training and employment opportunities

A Photo Field Guide to Species at Risk Trees, Shrubs and Wildflowers of Ontario - Volume 1 (Revised 2015)

This book is sponsored by TD/Canada Trust's Friends of the Environment Foundation - order now by filling out an application/order form and emailing to us with payment! Please contact us for an order form or download it from our Plant courses page under the "Books for sale" tab.



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Level 3 SAR plant course

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Photos: Dave Jolly

Biological Field School
Upgrade your skills in Field Biology and improve your field survey skills by using this fanastic reference plant manual!

Now available: EARTHQUEST Biological Field School presents;
The newly updated and revised Photo Field Guide to Species at Risk Trees, Shrubs and Wildflowers of Ontario Volume 1 - Cost $150.00 CAD (non-profits $75.00 CAD). If you are a contractor hired to write a recovery strategy, Ontario Management Plan, or COSEWIC status report please contact us for SAR information.

As a result of over 25 years of practical experience, Dave Jolly, Senior Instructor of the EARTHQUEST Biological Field School, has produced a photo field guide technical manual on Ontario's Species at Risk plants. This publication provides details on plant genera visual field characteristics, Ecological Land Classification ecosite and vegetation types, habitat, environmental leglislation, distribution, status (endangered, threatened, vulnerable, provincial and regional rank, etc.), accurate distribution maps merging Natural Heritage Information Centre (NHIC) data with the EARTHQUEST Plants of Ontario database, confusing species which may be easily misidentified - eg. Butternut or White walnut vs. Black walnut, spring, summer, fall and winter photos of leaves, bark, leaf buds/scales/bundle traces, flowers/fruits of native species, as well as seasonal flowering dates. The technical manual covers 26 families, 34 genera and 50 species of SAR and S1 - 3 ranked plants of Ontario. All of this information is presented on 2- 4 pages for each plant, with an index set up in the format of a binomial key based on flower colour, leaf shape and/or veination and habitat type. The purpose of this book is to supplement information provided by the NHIC, recovery strategies, COSEWIC status reports and Ontario Management Plans as a "all-in-one, one stop" resource. It is an open file, whereby the $150.00 fee is a one time fee. Once paid you would be emailed updates and addendums when the status of plants, maps, technical details, etc. are changed. You would also receive volumes 2, 3, etc. We would like to thank TD/Canada Trust's Friends of the Environment Foundation for sponsoring this much needed book!

Comparatively, this is the first publication that truly attempts to include all the information that a Botanist, Ecologist, teacher, student, Habitat Restoration Ecologist, Arborist, Herbalist, Ecological Land Classifier, Gardener or Nursery needs to quickly and accurately identify rare vascular plants. This publication is essential for scientists and practioners to increase their rate and accuracy for identifying plants in the field or to classify natural terrestrial, aquatic or wetland areas based on vegetation characterics

To order this book please email or phone

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To order this book please fill out the reservation form and email as a Jpeg or PDF file to attention of Mr. Dave Jolly at; Once purchased you'll be given a password to download field manual.

Download a reservation form

The following organizations have been donated copies of our book;

i. Rondeau Provincial Park
ii. Ruthven National Historic Site
iii. Guelph Lake Nature Centre; Grand River Conservation Authority
iv. Acorus Restoration
v. MacGregor Point Provincial Park
vi. Bruce County Library
vii. Historic Saugeen Métis
viii. St. Clair Region Conservation Authority
ix. Conestoga Roovers & Associates
x. WorkCabin
xi. Port Burwell Provincial Park
xii. Otter Valley Naturalists
xiii. Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation

Other Publications available

Purchase your copy of our new book on the flora and fauna of the Niagara Escarpment World Biosphere Reserve
$27.50 CAD + shipping and handling

Photo: Dave Jolly
for more information please click on;

Bruce book

Purchase your copy of our new photo field guide book on tree & shrub Genera of Ontario
$200 CAD + shipping and handling

Photo: Dave Jolly
for more information please click on;

Tree & Shrub Genera of Ontario book

Plant field identification certification courses, Learn how to be a field biologist, Biology, research and conservation, Field training and employment opportunities


Senior Instructor/Biologist/Consultant
D. Jolly, B.Sc.
EARTHQUEST (Canada) for the Environment

Tel: Please email for an appointment
©copyright EARTHQUEST (Canada) for the Environment

Website designed and maintained by D. Jolly
Last Updated 14/03/2017